Monday, October 19, 2009

Vacation time

The month of October is known for one thing here in Denmark: Fall vacation! It doesn't influence me that much normally seeing as how I am a stay-at-home mum and the little one is not in school yet.

But this year we decided to use the fall vacation to visit someone who is in school, and so I packed up the little one and myself, met up with my amazing sister and flew across the country to the city of Aalborg.

Denmark is so small so when we say across the country, then we are talking about a 45 minute flight. Getting to the airport actually takes longer than that!

In Aalborg we were picked up by Mrs Nathalie and her better half, Michael. Nathalie, my sister and I have shared two apartments, many late nights and our share of wonderful days. If Nathalie and I both hadn't gotten married - 14 days apart - I think we would still be found on the same adress, together with my sister.

So it was a fantastic reunion. We talked, ate, slept, walked, shopped, watched television, hung out, played with the little one and ate some more. It was 100% pure relaxation in the company of superb people. It honestly doesn't get any better than that.

The lovely Nathalie is awfully creative and is even studying to become a craft teacher, so she has some fun and untraditionel things around her house. I brought my camera and naturally ended up taking 100 pictures of so in 3½ days.

However, that will be another post, since I managed to finish off two more projects from my Project-to-do-list before I left for our vacation. And what kind of person would I be if I didn't do these posts in chronological order - Ehh, I am not really sure where that sentence came from. Honestly, I am to lazy to upload the pictures right from my trip right now.

I made this little bag for toiletries. I wanted to finish it before we left so I could bring it and have a place for our lotions and so on.

I am quite proud of it, even though there is absolutely not a shred of originality or creativity in it. I bought it as a kit. I just had to cut out the pattern and applications, sow on the applications and sow the bag and that was that.

So I am not proud of it for the creativity or thought that I put in, I am proud because I bought it early on in my pregnancy with the little one and it has been lying in my cupboard for more than two years, haunting me, mocking me. It was the applications that got me a little nervous. But no more! It is done. It works. And it even looks kinda cool.

And let me be honest, I was actually creative and used some independent thought, since I decided to leave out the embroidery that said "Bath". I felt that was an overkill.

The last picture of the beautiful pink bag - yes, boys can also use pink!

Afterwards I finished off a bag for the little one. I started on it one evening sometime in April, and I just had to make the handles and sow it all together and then it would be done. Unfortunately, this became a project of pure procrastination.

By the way, please tell me I am not the only one who sometimes have an extreme overuse of needles.

I had to fold both the inner and the outer fabric and also attach the two fabrics. It seemed to me that the only way of doing that was so use approimately 100 needles!

A picture of my sowing machine - notice the cool stickers - and the little one drawing. He got bored playing with the needle and fabric that I gave him, so the next choise was drawing. He loves it. I think I could get away with pretty much everything as long as he could draw.

I will be back with more pictures of the reversible bag (ohh!) and pictures from my visit with Nathalie. So much to look forward too!

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