Sunday, August 30, 2009

My project ... so to speak

Lately I haven't done that much in the creative department. Basicly I have been super busy trying to get my drivers license before I have my baby, so 3-5 times a week I am at theory class or out driving, or like today attending a 7 hour first aid class.

Another reason for my lack of creativity also have a little something to do with what have happened the last few weeks. Let me introduce you to some of the events that have taken place in my house lately:

This is my better half helping me carry out all my crafty materials

This is some of my crafting items neatly placed in the livingroom, waiting to be moved into my bedroom, where the little man was sleeping.

I have finally found room for all my things in my bedroom. I cannot believe how much junk I have. And I mean junk! So many weird things, that I am probably never going to use. And I can't believe my own inability to get rid of some of it. I mean it is not like I am ever going to use all of it. But no. It stays! All of it!

Then the carpet was moved in what we the last few weeks have called the former crafting room.
Pregnant woman crawling around on all four. I got the job done but it was probably not a pretty sight.

And Miss Anne and me started putting a new floor on in what is now called Samuels new bedroom.

So when I am not busy figuring out the ins and outs of cars, then I am putting down floors. And when I finally do have time, well, then all my ... junk is in my bedroom where the little man is sleeping for a few more days. Hopefully at the end of this week the floor will be done, panels are there, the bed have been moved along with the little one and I once again have a craft room.

Ahh, bliss! It have been a busy few weeks but it is also nice to get things done and learn new things and I really look forward to enjoying the result, and I am excited - and a little apprehensive - about Samuel sleeping in his own little room, and excited about me being able to read in my bed for the first time in more than 1½ years. Simple pleasures, I guess!

Have a happy week!

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