Thursday, August 6, 2009

My better half

The other day the cravings got too much for me. "Wouldn't it be nice to invite your lovely wife out for a steak?" I asked my better half. He was a little puzzled at first, but he is slowly learning that in our world pregnancy and steak-cravings are heavily intertwined.

And so my better half invited me, his pregnant and tired wife, out for a steak. And as I sat there and ate my steak, enjoying it more than should be humanly possible, the better half ate his banana split. Because unlike almost any other man I know, my better half is not much for steak. He planned to have pancakes and ice cream for dessert but when he was done with his banana split he was completely full.

Is it wrong to love your better half for eating banana split at a steak restaurant? Actually the fact that he very generously shared his banana split with me made him even more lovable!

I consider myself a very fortunate woman!

1 comment:

The Evensens said...

Han har hår! Jeg er forvirret :-)
Er forvirret både over håret og banana splitten. Men det er nu spændende... med håret altså. Og ja, så længe banana splitten bliver delt så er det vist bare helt i orden. Hyg jer - knus