Wednesday, August 12, 2009

yummy food

I am a big fan of food. It just taste so darn good! My lovely, lovely better half is not as big a fan as I am. I am actually not even sure he is even a fan. Before he met me, he lived off muesli, spaghetti and honny sandwiches. That was his three daily meals. No, definitly not a fan.

So I seldomly can be bothered making anything fancy at our house - that fact that I am currently pregnant and tired doesn't help much either. But when we were at the beautiful summerhouse I was suddenly surroundded by fans of nice food. And so I felt like cooking again.

So one of the evenings I made twice-baked potatoes, courtesy of The PioneerWoman, tomato and feta salad and shrimp.

Tomato and feta salad is so easy and it tastes amazing. Just grab a big handful of tomatoes and slice them or chop them or cut them out in the shape of stars. I know some of you want to. Take some fetacheese and cut into small pieces. Combine in a bowl. Cut some onion rings, and add to it. Add a little bit of salt and basil leaves. If you feel like it you can also add a splash of oil, but I think that is just a waste of calories. Save that for the chocolate!

The better half was very excited to be near the water and all he wanted was seafood. And so I got a hold of some giant shrimp. They were so nice!

Had I started a little earlier and had I been home in my own fully stocked kitchen I would probably have made a marinade for the shrimp, but seeing as how we were far away and I didn't clean the shrimp until 5 minutes before we were eating, I opted for something fast.

I got out the pan, thinly slices half a chili and added to the pan along with some butter and salt. I didn't have any garlic there, but just pretend that it was there cause it is so good with it. Finely mince ½-1 garlic clove and add to the pan. Heat it up and add the grey, boring looking shrimp to the pan. Turn the shrimp over, then they are nicely pink on the one side. Within 2 minutes you have some funky looking, flavourfull shrimp all ready to eat. We ate outside and it couldn't have been more perfect.

On the twice baked potatoes I used a recipe from here. I love this site and besides fun posts, cool giveaways and info about homeschooling (yes, homeschooling, I am not kidding) she also have amazing recipes for good food from before butter came out of style. Plus easy-to-understand step by step recipes. I love things that are easy to understand!


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