Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to throw a fancy party

Okay, you invite 110 people or so, ask everybody to dress up, order yummy food and ask me to do the decorations. Or at least that was what my friends did. They helped organise a convention for singles in the age 30-45, and on the last night they had a formal dinner.

Fortunately for me my stepmom and one of my stepsisters came to my rescue, along with about 10 of the participants. With their help it only took us a few hours to prepare everything for the party.

Being bored in the back of the car on the way up there. Hmm, those sunflowers look cool. *Click*

Let me see how this close-up thing works on my new camera. Sit still, little one. *Click*

Because we had a fairly limited budget we decided to focus entirely on the tables, filling them with loads of vases with fresh flowers in vibrant colors. The rest of the table was in neutral colors with white tablecloths, a cream colored runner, white menucards placed in a white holder and white napkins with a piece of brown fabric tied with a piece of string.

For reasons unknown to me I forgot to get pictures of all the flowers, but rest assured that there was plenty, plenty of flowers.

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