Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yummy body scrubs

Natural, yummy smelling, super effective body scrubs! What more can you ask for?

Mrs Emma and I went into the kitchen and tested the recipes from Martha Steward. After a few test runs we came up with the following results:

We ended up tweaking the recipe a little. We used 2 cups of fine white sugar or roughly grained salt, 3/4 cup of oil and 12 drops of essential oils. The oils we used were peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, and coconut. We wanted oils that were natural and not too heavy, and it also turned out that these mixes really well. We made a mint-coconut, mint-eucalyptus, mint, eucalyptus and coconut-lemon. It is hard to even choose a favorite from these. Finally we also added a few drops of food colouring for a nicer look.

We made some fantastic scrubs. I already tested one in the shower and the result and the smell is just perfect. And the ingredients are natural. In fact so natural that I even tasted some of the coconut-mint sugar scrub. Even the taste is good!

I am giving these away together with a little pillow to put in your wardrobe. These contain dried peppermint leaves and will leave all your clothes smelling minty fresh!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh!! Wow!! You have done wonderful job!! Those are wonderful body care products...