Friday, December 12, 2008

A few projects

As we were making our christmas decorations I noticed that our straw wreaths were gone. I looked everywhere for them, but couldn't find them. Finally I figured that I must have thrown them out last christmas. It was the night before the 1st advent so I wanted to make a advent wreath of some sorts. It ended up as an advent plate. Here you see the result. Not exactly what I had in mind but I kinda like the result. It makes me think of the forrest, a forrest with pearls growing though!
Next year, however, there will be a real wreath, don't worry.

And then I started working on the sleeping bag for the little one. He really likes his old sleeping bag and he sleeps really well in it. Unfortunately he has outgrown it, and I couldn't find a new one that lived up to my criterias (easy to wash on a high temperature) so I decided to make one. This Sunday I figured I better get it over with and started on the project. It was much easier than I had feared and I really like the result. And most importantly the little one likes the result - and sleeps well. I haven't finished the trim at the top of the sleeping bag and I also want to cut off a little bit of the straps, but other than that here it is. I'll post nicer pictures of it when I've finished it.

And finally ... if you really want to do something, you'll find some way of squeezing it in. Thank you, Emma, for squeezing it in with me.

Recipes, tips and pictures of the finished product will come later.

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