Monday, November 30, 2009

Next item on the list: Get fire alarm

I have been busy the last few weeks, even though I haven't any pictures or blog posts to show for it.

But I do have one "after"-shot that you can see. But I better explain what happened otherwise the picture might be a little confusing.

The little one and me were sitting on the couch having a philosophical discussion when I heard a "pop" from the kitchen that is situated right behind us. I didn't take much notice as I am very busy discussing the meaning of life and death with my son.

After a while I did however wonder why the washing machine have gone quiet and since our discussion have come to a halt anyway I decide to get up and investigate the lack of sound from the washing machine and the probably related "pop" I heard.

When I come into the kitchen I notice flames behind the washing machine. That is never ever a good sign. I quickly realise that the little box where the cable to the washing machine have been extended is now burning. I just can't get to it since it is not only behind my washing machine, but also halfway behind my fridge.

Slight panic breaks out at this point. Panic rises when I realise that I will have to move the washing machine out to kill the fire and that the washing machine is pretty darn heavy.

Fortunately I managed to get it moved out from the wall so I could get to the burning box. Never underestimate a desperate pregnant woman! I got two kilos of flour which I poured out over the extension. It killed the fire and left the whole area covered in white powder. It had a slight christmas feel to it, if you ignored the heavy smell of burning plastic.

Afterwards I turned off the main power to the washing machine, pulled the plug, cut of the cable and the box and made sure the fire was completely out. And then I opened the window to get some fresh air in. It was greatly needed.

The little one had witnessed this whole event, and had heard me utter words I normally never use, and even though he didn't understand what had happened, he was still affected by the situation. So we went back to the couch, and talked a little, cuddled a little and sang a few songs and I then put him to bed for his naptime.

Then I called my better half to share the drama, and afterwards I called a friend of mine who is a genius with electronic stuff. And finally I ate some ice cream. That seemed like the only right thing to do right at that time.

The washing machine is fine now. And there shouldn't be any risk of any fires breaking out again.

However, a few days later we were woken up early in the morning by our fire alarm. I got out of bed the fastest I have ever done - even as a non-pregnant womn - and went through the house checking for fire. I then checked the doors and the hallway but there was no fire in sight. Fortunately.

I had refilled my cupboard with flour but I am not sure 2 kilos of flour can fix a bigger fire.

We finally got our firealarm down from the ceiling and took out the batteries. Something must have been wrong with it since there was no fire or smell of smoke anywhere.

Anyway the morale of the story is that we are getting a new fire alarm - actually two new fire alarms cause it could be that we might need them some day. And I am very grateful that the washing machine cable caught fire on a day where I was home and in the room right next door. And ice cream is needed after panicky situations.

Oh, and we are also getting a fire insurance. Just in case!

The box that caught fire. Can you almost feel the drama ... I guess the flowered table cloth on the one picture makes it hard to feel any drama, but it was there. Trust me, it was there.

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