Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy birthday, little one

I finished it. After way too much stitching by hand and watching way too x-factor it is finished. And I love the way it looks. It is simple, playful, gender-neutral and will last a life-time.

I put a little loop with some ribbon at the top of each letter so I could hang them on a piece of string if I wanted. They could also just stand. I choose to hang them from our beams on a piece of hemp string and they really brightened up the room. Even though that doesn't really show in the picture. I guess, you just have to trust me on that one : )

We kept the rest of the preparations to a minimum, apart from a homemade sacher torte as the birthday cake and homebaked bread.

Here's the sacher torte right after we put on the final layer of yummy chocolate. The picture is quite shiny but it just looks so fresh and newlymade. And it makes me want to lick my screen!

And homebaked bread. That was as inventive as I got, but I think it was kinda fun anyway.

1 comment:

emma said...

I LOVE the birthday banner! It is beautifully done. I was so excited when I saw it- after I had been thinking of making stuffed letters too- 'Great minds..' It is really beautiful and I think a gorgeous tradition to bring it out and with it all the birthday memory goodness, I think I should make one myself.. for when MrA and I have little ones! I had no idea I was eating a chopped up bready no.1 either.