Monday, September 8, 2008

The book about Stamping

Another thing that happened this month was the stamp book-project. My sister, the talented Miss Anne, and I have been working on a book about stamping for a while. The project have been on hold for a while for almost 2 years but a few weeks ago she came over and we spend a whole week looking at stamping techniques, old cards and books and most importantly making new material, since we decided to skip all the old stuff we had made! I guess it was both good and bad since the old stuff just wasn't that good any more, but it was also sad since this means we are starting all over. Anyway we made some new projects, and this is one of the things I made. However it is not going to be in the book since there is hardly used any stamps on it, but I kinda like it. I made them using a part of a bookshelf ; )


mines said...


stamps are nice, I love them...good luck with your book about stamping. I like matches... and , maybe, one day I'll make a book about them.... Anyway, your ideea is great ...

Raluca V. , Romania

emma said...

I'm blown away- I got lucky enough to have a sneak preview of some of the possible contents of the book.. absolutley gorgeous!